Comelit 6750W Audio Handset

Mini series door-entry phone with full-duplex audio and integrated magnetic induction amplification system.


EAN / Barcode: 8023903317459


Mini series door-entry phone with full-duplex audio and integrated magnetic induction amplification system.


  • Number of Buttons: 5
    • audio key
    • lock- release
    • actuator control
    • switchboard call
    • privacy function

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Product Specifications

Physical and Performance Attributes

Weight150 grams
Dimensions (L x W x H)105 × 105 × 20 mm
Operating Temperature-5°C to 40°C
Operating Humidity25% - 75%

Electronics Attributes

Max AbsorptionStandby: 2mA
Operating: 130mA
Power Supply22 ÷ 35VDC

Access Control Attributes

Intercom TypeVideo